(Mainly for entrepreneurs in a business and relationship generating context, but applicable to all for a more productive life.)

There's an analogy by (I believe) Zig Ziglar that captures this message perfectly. I will not do it justice, but just try to get to the core of this message: to live with purpose and passion. It is powerful.

Here we go.

Imagine to yourself that some close friends tell you one beautiful early evening that they have two tickets for you and your significant other to fly out to Hawaii with them. A complete, all expenses paid luxury vacation with nothing held back! 

It will be ten days of absolute paradise! 

Only one catch. 

They leave tomorrow morning at 9am.

And they ask, "so, can you come?"

Here is where it gets interesting!

How many people will do everything they have to do to be able to go?! How many people will call the babysitter, take care of any bills, appointments, lunch dates, and prior obligations of any kind? Do all of the planning and do more in the next few hours than they have in the past few days?!

Think about that...

So why not go to Hawaii tomorrow, every day?

Soon you will be able to go to Hawaii any time you like!

Super concise, but do yourself a favor ponder it and breathe it in. Better yet, buy a Zig audio!

I found a related video on YouTube - mainly so you know who he is and to give you another little nugget. His story starts at about 1:10 in the clip.

To your success!
You may be hoping for some insane secret, but I am afraid that if you are looking for something that is new or a hidden secret that I have uncovered you will be very disappointed with my post. 

The answer can, in my opinion,  be summed up in one statement - which I will do - but will then have to be dissected into some broad subcategories.

The one, biggest mistake people make with internet marketing and any direct sales such as multilevel marketing or affiliate marketing as well is... 

...Internally not making the change - the psychological change that has FULLY accepted this new business vehicle as something that is part of their every day life. 

Treating your business as a hobby is detrimental to the success of your business. Of course there are MANY things that you can do to see better results, but this one - this base concept - has the BIGGEST direct affect on whether your business will succeed or fail. 


Just decide or don't even start.

Find something that you believe in - something that you can put your name behind and own it! Commit to it and you will see results!

In brief, when you FULLY COMMIT to your business some obvious things will have to happen:
  • You will have a regular, daily routine working in your business.
  • You will have clear, attainable, and measurable goals set for yourself.
  • You will feed yourself with business and/or relationship building training - through video, audio, and/or reading daily.
  • You will be deliberate without being pushy or desperate with sharing your message (business).
  • You will create a mission statement with a strong WHY as to why you are doing the business that you have chosen to align yourself with.

With this mindset you will start taking the steps towards your success! Without it, good luck! :

Just a nugget for now!

To your life success!
I love Brazilian Holidays!

Top Three things to do today:
1- Finish my final report for my international business degree
2- Work on my online presence (websites and blogs)
3- Clean the house and finish setting up my kitchen sink.

I'm loving the programs that I have embraced and am seeing the light at the end of my  financial tunnel! hahaha!!! It's awesome!!!

Missing San Diego! Shout out to everyone!!!

To your success in life!