So what are these secrets?

Well don't get mad because they are really simple, yet not many people have the discipline to implement them on a consistent basis.

  1. First, you have to treat your business like a business. This is the most important of all. If you don't make the switch in your mind, you will not get the results that you want and deserve. I like how one person put it, "treat your business like a million dollar business and it will pay you like one!" Yes Sir!
  2. Work with laser-focused intention. You need to have a target and a reason to hit that target! Choose your target and a reason to hit that bull's eye and you will dramatically improve your results!
  3. Create a realistic strategy and STICK TO IT! Don't stop!
  4. Keep things simple. Don't over complicate your business!
  5. TAKE ACTION!!! NOW!!! NOT TOMORROW... Take laser focused action in the must-do activities as well as your actual income generating activities NOW!!! AND EVERY DAY FROM HERE FORWARD! In 90-days, 180 days, a year from now you will be glad you did!

This is my shorty for now! 

To your success!
Heading to bed but just wanted to provide some content - even if it isn't mine...\

Great info:

Enjoy and good night!
Can it be all about the money?

...I guess it can. To a point...

For true and lasting personal and business success it cannot, however.

Why can it not just be all about the money? Well while we can get excited and motivated about making an extra $1k, $5k, or $50k per month, or more! The material gain starts to lose its luster and attraction after a short time.

Like anything in life, if you do something daily, it gets old. Even money! Even in marriage there is a need to revitalize the relationship, change the routine, and give each-other space. There is a difference here though. In marriage there is a foundation and deeper meaning than just being together or enjoying life and common interests together.

It is this foundation that I am referring to when you go out and decide to do a business. It is this foundation that is the bedrock for the business and if it is not solid you will not succeed... or at least have a limited or short-lived success...

You must love your business. 

You must create a vision and mission for your business that excites you, gets your blood moving...

For true, lasting success there is no way around it.

For the first time, when I decided to be an internet marketer, I woke up and didn't roll over for another 15-minutes of sleep. I woke up and thought, "what new strategy am I going to try in my business today?" 

For those of us who like games, puzzles, or to tinker with things, or see how they work, internet marketing is an especially rewarding vehicle on so many levels. We learn to grow in ways that maybe we only appreciated before, but never actually made an effort to improve on. Such as:
  • Of course all of the business and marketing technical skills that accompany this journey, however the following are especially powerful to not only business, but life.
  • Human psychology in general.
  • Sales and business psychology.
  • The power of mindset and positive thinking.  (not The Secret) :)
  • Building and nourishing lasting and rewarding relationships.
  • Going beyond happiness and finding the JOY in life.
  • Building people and dreams
  • And the list goes on and on...

Lets lock arms and fight the powers of evil.

Lets become the BEST, MOST POWERFUL versions of OURSELVES!

Lets become the BEST, MOST POWERFUL versions of OURSELVES!

Lets become the BEST, MOST POWERFUL versions of OURSELVES!

Without a focused intention and an unwavering vision you are wasting your time. No matter what you do - even if you are making some progress - without this basic ingredient you are producing 10-times less than you could be otherwise.

Think of your WHY and create a vision for your life. This is not really goal-setting, but rather the all-encompassing vision/goal that will inspire your goals and daily routine to be created. Start here. Sit down and dream. 

Dream big. If your dream is to be a youth football coach in order to live your passion and help inspire young minds - all the while driving onto the campus parking lot in your dream car... that's a worthy dream!!!


Create that focused intention and BELIEVE in yourself! Use inspirational, educational, and empowering books, audios, and videos in order to keep you on track to reaching this dream.

Don't wake up to the depressing and negative news every day. You can watch that later. 

Start off positive. Start off empowering yourself. Start off with your dream at the forefront!

Make this a habit and before you realize it you will start to emulate and integrate the information that you are feeding your mind with! This is inevitable if you do it constantly!

Start today and don't stop!

“Your beliefs become your thoughts,
Your thoughts become your words,
Your words become your actions,
Your actions become your habits,
Your habits become your values,
Your values become your destiny.”
- Mahatma Gandhi
As a wise friend once said to me - in so many words - you are not hungry enough yet; you don't feel the financial pressure enough to work your business (in this case it was a network marketing business) as an actual business... I saw her point, basically agreed, but still no change or shift happened. 

I had build my "why" list (of the most important things in my life) to try to motivate myself, read motivational books, listened to motivational and productivity focused audios, I had even used positive imagery - imagining myself in the life that I could have doing all of the things that I love, but still no dice... I was stuck.

It was until I actually felt the financial pressure to take action, to sink or swim, that motivated me to take my business(es) seriously. I really had to hit rock-bottom for me to WAKE UP!

So that it doesn't come to this for you, I highly suggest some simple tips to help you in your motivation and business development.

First, after making your list of "why's", make a second, all-star, top-10 list and print it out and pin it up in a place where you will see it daily and even have a second copy by your computer so that when you're goofing off online you could refocus and do the money-making activities that will keep building your business.

Second, get a Franklin-Covey 7-Habits planner. It is awesome and will even help you in developing your why list and direct you in creating a life's mission statement. Indispensable!

Third, as cliche as it sounds, just do it! Find some way to organize and prioritize your activities (one great one mentioned above and another two offered in my free tools that I give away on my product review page) and just do one money generating activity per day. Start small, but start and your habit will grow incrementally!

That's it for now! 

Writing you from the ''Corner Dali Cafe" in Brazil!

To your success,
The Personal bits:
While on my jog yesterday I found myself in the zone. I left my cell phone behind and decided to have a personal moment with no interruptions - no pictures to be taken of the beautiful scenery, no music, no audio books, or fitness trackers to track my progress... I only listened to one faith audio and just jogged. It was just God and I. It was great.

There was this positive energy radiating from my solar-plexus (gut) area as I listened to my breath, the gravel below my feet and the wonderful words streaming into my brain through my snug little ear-buds. I also reflected on my current situation and life goals. I recognized the imbalance that I currently have in my life - I think that was what drove me to go basic and connect with my faith and feed my spirit and attempt to get centered.

The Take-Away:
This jog prompted me to remember to always feed the four different aspects of my life. To always try to mainntain balance in these four parts:
  • Mind - through good books, audios, and videos
  • Body - through a good diet and exercise
  • Spirit - also through books, audios, and videos, but also actively living my faith
  • Relationships - by making time and cultivating those relationships most important to me

This is common sense for most, but in practice - at least for me - can be challenging to keep up consistently. 

I know when I am in 'balance' and my life is so much better when this happens. Keeping it there is the trick - falling off the horse less often before getting back in that 'zone'.

Feed these four parts of your life and inspire others to do the same and life gets better exponentially!

To your success!

(Mainly for entrepreneurs in a business and relationship generating context, but applicable to all for a more productive life.)

There's an analogy by (I believe) Zig Ziglar that captures this message perfectly. I will not do it justice, but just try to get to the core of this message: to live with purpose and passion. It is powerful.

Here we go.

Imagine to yourself that some close friends tell you one beautiful early evening that they have two tickets for you and your significant other to fly out to Hawaii with them. A complete, all expenses paid luxury vacation with nothing held back! 

It will be ten days of absolute paradise! 

Only one catch. 

They leave tomorrow morning at 9am.

And they ask, "so, can you come?"

Here is where it gets interesting!

How many people will do everything they have to do to be able to go?! How many people will call the babysitter, take care of any bills, appointments, lunch dates, and prior obligations of any kind? Do all of the planning and do more in the next few hours than they have in the past few days?!

Think about that...

So why not go to Hawaii tomorrow, every day?

Soon you will be able to go to Hawaii any time you like!

Super concise, but do yourself a favor ponder it and breathe it in. Better yet, buy a Zig audio!

I found a related video on YouTube - mainly so you know who he is and to give you another little nugget. His story starts at about 1:10 in the clip.

To your success!
You may be hoping for some insane secret, but I am afraid that if you are looking for something that is new or a hidden secret that I have uncovered you will be very disappointed with my post. 

The answer can, in my opinion,  be summed up in one statement - which I will do - but will then have to be dissected into some broad subcategories.

The one, biggest mistake people make with internet marketing and any direct sales such as multilevel marketing or affiliate marketing as well is... 

...Internally not making the change - the psychological change that has FULLY accepted this new business vehicle as something that is part of their every day life. 

Treating your business as a hobby is detrimental to the success of your business. Of course there are MANY things that you can do to see better results, but this one - this base concept - has the BIGGEST direct affect on whether your business will succeed or fail. 


Just decide or don't even start.

Find something that you believe in - something that you can put your name behind and own it! Commit to it and you will see results!

In brief, when you FULLY COMMIT to your business some obvious things will have to happen:
  • You will have a regular, daily routine working in your business.
  • You will have clear, attainable, and measurable goals set for yourself.
  • You will feed yourself with business and/or relationship building training - through video, audio, and/or reading daily.
  • You will be deliberate without being pushy or desperate with sharing your message (business).
  • You will create a mission statement with a strong WHY as to why you are doing the business that you have chosen to align yourself with.

With this mindset you will start taking the steps towards your success! Without it, good luck! :

Just a nugget for now!

To your life success!