Without a focused intention and an unwavering vision you are wasting your time. No matter what you do - even if you are making some progress - without this basic ingredient you are producing 10-times less than you could be otherwise.

Think of your WHY and create a vision for your life. This is not really goal-setting, but rather the all-encompassing vision/goal that will inspire your goals and daily routine to be created. Start here. Sit down and dream. 

Dream big. If your dream is to be a youth football coach in order to live your passion and help inspire young minds - all the while driving onto the campus parking lot in your dream car... that's a worthy dream!!!


Create that focused intention and BELIEVE in yourself! Use inspirational, educational, and empowering books, audios, and videos in order to keep you on track to reaching this dream.

Don't wake up to the depressing and negative news every day. You can watch that later. 

Start off positive. Start off empowering yourself. Start off with your dream at the forefront!

Make this a habit and before you realize it you will start to emulate and integrate the information that you are feeding your mind with! This is inevitable if you do it constantly!

Start today and don't stop!

“Your beliefs become your thoughts,
Your thoughts become your words,
Your words become your actions,
Your actions become your habits,
Your habits become your values,
Your values become your destiny.”
- Mahatma Gandhi

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